Sabtu, 02 Juni 2012

Loker Bandung

Teknisi yang ahli di bidang listrik

Kriteria :
1. Laki - laki usia max 30 th
2. Lulusan SMK / STM jurusan Kelistrikan

Hubungi :
Tirta Kalimaya
Jl. Bawean No. 2
Tlp. 022-4234315
HP. 0811 23 69 32 ( Ibu Nunik Anggraini )
082 121 805 668 ( Ika )

Jumat, 01 Juni 2012

PT Jasamedika Saranatama (Jasamedika) didirikan pada tahun 2002 dengan bidang usaha Jasa Konsultan Teknologi Informasi dan didirikan oleh pakar serta praktisi di bidang Sistem Informasi Manajemen Rumah Sakit (SIMRS) maupun Teknologi Informasi (Informatika Kesehatan).
Hingga kini kami di Jasamedika terus membangun kompetensi dan spesialisasi khususnya Teknologi Informasi untuk Manajemen Rumah Sakit dan telah mengeluarkan suatu brand produk yaitu Sistem Informasi Manajemen Rumah Sakit (SIMRS)"Medifirst2000"


General Requirement :
•    Pria/Wanita Max 28 Tahun.
•    S1 / D3 (lebih diutamakan) jurusan Teknik Informatika /Sistem Informasi / Komputer / Sejenisnya).
•    IPK Min, 2.75 akan mengikuti proses seleksi dan bagi yang memiliki IPK > 3.00 tidak ada tesing dan langsung mengikuti wawancara.
•    Peserta yang lulus akan mendapatkan beasiswa kuliah D4 Informatika Kesehatan.
•    Fotokopi Ijasah Tingkat D3/ Sarjana yang telah dilegalisir.
•    Fotokopi Transkrip Akademik Tingkat D3/Sarjana yang telah dilegalisir.
•    Surat Keterangan Sehat dari dokter.
•    Surat rekomendasi tempat magang.
Tersedia gaji dan tunjangan yang menarik!
Surat lamaran dapat dikirimkan langsung ke:
Human Resources Department
Kopo Mas Regency Blok 8i Lt.3
atau email ke : ukuran file 200 kb
Harap mencantumkan posisi yang dilamar pada kolom subject !


Formerly established as a home industry in 1967, the company was registered under "Mulia Knitting". Mulia Knitting initially operated with one knitting machine to supply our local fabric market. By 1980, we have run a full set of knitting factory to accomodate the demand of local garment and export oriented industries.
In 1983, due to tremendous increased in our fabrics demands, we set up our Dyeing department with dyeing machines made in Taiwan and Korea. Soon after, the Garment department with 350-400 units was established on the same location. The company has since run in an integrated operation mode under the name of "PT MULIA LESTARI".
Our objectives are to produce high quality garment with competitive price, to ensure on time delivery, and to provide the best customer satisfaction.
By 1998, we have been able to meet The Okotex Standard Class I for our garment products and fabric for European market.

Colour Matcher Dyeing

- Laki-laki ; Usia Maksimal 28 Tahun
- Jurusan Teknik Kimia
- Bersedia Bekerja Shift

Jl. KP. Cibaligo 70 (KM 1,7)
Leuwigajah Cimindi - Cimahi
Bandung 40533
Email :


Formerly established as a home industry in 1967, the company was registered under "Mulia Knitting". Mulia Knitting initially operated with one knitting machine to supply our local fabric market. By 1980, we have run a full set of knitting factory to accomodate the demand of local garment and export oriented industries.
In 1983, due to tremendous increased in our fabrics demands, we set up our Dyeing department with dyeing machines made in Taiwan and Korea. Soon after, the Garment department with 350-400 units was established on the same location. The company has since run in an integrated operation mode under the name of "PT MULIA LESTARI".
Our objectives are to produce high quality garment with competitive price, to ensure on time delivery, and to provide the best customer satisfaction.
By 1998, we have been able to meet The Okotex Standard Class I for our garment products and fabric for European market.

Staff Accounting

- Wanita ; Usia Maks. 28 Tahun
- Pendidikan Min. D3 Akuntansi
Jl. KP. Cibaligo 70 (KM 1,7)
Leuwigajah Cimindi - Cimahi
Bandung 40533
Email :